Blood Moon Detox Guide

November 4, 2022

A full moon total lunar eclipse or a "blood moon," will happen on November 8 and will be fully visible throughout the Philippines. Did you know that for Yogis and modern-day mystics, eating food during the lunar eclipse is actually harmful for the human body?

Eclipses can have a powerful effect on the human system. During a lunar eclipse, what should happen in 28 days over a full lunar cycle happens over a few hours of the eclipse, which leaves our bodies in some sort of confused state. When the body is confused, the best thing to do is to keep it as empty as possible, and as conscious as possible. When our stomach is empty, our body becomes more transparent, and we are able to be more conscious of what is happening within our system.

Eclipses usher in a period of massive transformation and have the capacity to stir things up on all levels of our being - physical, mental, emotional, and energetic. On the physical level, a full moon eclipse can zap our energy making us feel drained or lethargic. It can also disrupt our hormones and sleep patterns, making us moody, irritable, and feeling out of balance. On the mental and emotional levels, lunar eclipses can draw out a lot of deep and buried emotions, making us feel extra sensitive, anxious, melancholic, or withdrawn.

Our "FULL MOON DETOX" Kit, is a combination of detox juices and energy healing rituals, which will help you tune-in and bring balance to your body during this full moon lunar eclipse.

Choose between 3 detox levels: 1 Day, Half Day, and Trio.

1 DAY DETOX 6 detox juices + 2 nut milks plus a black candle is included for the ritual. Click here for the "Full Moon Burning Bowl" energy ritual video.

Your last solid meal (preferably fresh, whole, and plant-based) should be eaten at dinner time, the day before the eclipse/full moon. On the day of the eclipse/full moon, you will only drink water and 6 bottles of Sexy Beast cold-pressed juices until after the hours of the eclipse/full moon. After the eclipse/full moon, you can drink one (1) bottle of Sexy Beast nutmilk to break the fast. For breakfast the following day, you can drink another bottle of Sexy Beast nutmilk. Your first solid meal will be at lunch time the day after the eclipse/full moon. Ideally, this meal should be plant-based. Click here for recipes to break lunar detox. 

HALF DAY DETOX 6 detox juices plus a black candle is included for the ritual. Click here for the "Full Moon Burning Bowl" energy ritual video.

On the day of the eclipse/full moon, you will go on a liquid fast, drinking only water and 6 bottles of Sexy Beast juices until dinner time. You will break the liquid fast at dinner time with a light plant-based. Click here for recipes to break lunar detox. 

TRIO 3 detox juices plus a black candle is included for the ritual. Click here for the "Full Moon Burning Bowl" energy ritual video.

On the day of the eclipse/full moon, you can eat fruits and vegetables (preferably raw or whole). Keep your meals light. Avoid grains, nuts, dairy, meat, garlic, onions, and other hard-to-digest foods. Drink plenty of water and the 3 bottles of Sexy Beast juices. Continue with a plant-based diet the day after the eclipse/full moon. Click here for recipes to break lunar detox.